Home : About RVCA : Agreements : Agreement of Cooperation between Irkutsk State University (ISU) and RVCA
Agreement of Cooperation between Irkutsk State University (ISU) and Russian Venture Capital Association (RVCA)

Irkutsk State University (ISU) and Russian Venture Capital Association (RVCA) have signed a Cooperation Agreement.
The signing took place in Krasnoyarsk within the context of the 10th Economic Forum and the 1st Yenisei Venture Fair. The Agreement is aimed at bilateral assistance in forming innovation ecosystem of Irkutsk State University, as well as at the development of priority directions connected with the development of venture entrepreneurship and high technology infrastructure.
The Agreement was signed by Alexander Arguchintcev, Rector of IGU, and Albina Nikkonen, CEO, RVCA.
«Our main task – is overcoming barriers and “financial gaps” at bringing to the market the scientific and technical products created by the IGU innovation high-tech enterprises. In cooperation with the university, we’ll jointly contribute to capital investment implementation just in these companies», – commented Albina Nikkonen.