For the first time, Venture Fair will be conducted in Novosibirsk
In autumn, September 19 of 2013, managers of venture funds, private investors, business angels, representatives of investment structures, and directors of banks will come together to the 14th Russian Venture Fair in Novosibirsk.
During the Venture Fair conducting, Novosibirsk will become a ground for discussion of venture capital market environment, practices of innovative entrepreneurship, actual trends of venture capital, and making united plans for the future. More than 700 delegates are planned to participate in the Fair.
Traditionally, several tens of innovative companies, presenting their businesses to investors, will be presented at the Exposition of the Fair.
All the Exposition participants will pass through expert selection, and the program of the companies’ preparation to participation in the Fair will include not only traditional trainings but individual consultations with venture entrepreneurship experts as well.
We’ll be glad to see you among the Fair participants!