The 8th Kazan Venture Fair has completed its work in Kazan
The authoritative discussion ground, which within many years is representing an excellent opportunity for concerned professional community to discuss the most actual issues on economy and business innovative development at the territory of regions, has ceremonially completed its work.
This time again, RVCA became co-organizer of this large-scale event with active support of RVC, RUSNANO, Moscow Stock Exchange and the Start-Up Placard informational support.
This time – the 8th one – Kazan presented at the Venture Fair the most technologically prominent projects from different areas. Sixty one companies, both residents of Kazan IT-Park and guest companies from another Russia’s regions, were presented at the stands. Ainur Aideldinov, Director of Investment Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, says that 23 companies have been financed already at the amount of 80 mln rub. and “… now they are realizing profit, have earnings and are prepared to larger investments at the amount of 750 mln rub.”.
The remarkable feature of the event has become visiting at the Fair of The 3rd Russian Tech Tour delegates who included Donald Dixon – the Board Chairman and Founder of Trident Capital; Andy Tsao – Managing Director of Global Gateway/Global Private Equity Services Silicon Valley Bank; Sven Lingjaerde – President, European Tech Tour Association, Managing Partner, Endeavour Vision (Switzerland), et al.
The Tech Tour representatives actively participated in the Fair activities too, immutably taking part in work of sections, round tables and speaking at plenary session. High degrees of the state motivation in the innovation-technology sector’s development as well as stimulation of economy to develop innovative sectors were noted by representatives of the European venture capital community. “Considerable changes have been realized in Russia, and this is remarkable, – said Sven Lingjaerde. – Entrepreneurs have become more mature, and the number of venture investors is increasing permanently. This is a good trend”. Chairman of the Board and Founder of Trident Capital Donald Dixon says that there are splendid technologists, scientists and mathematicians in Tatarstan that would allow the Republic coming to the global level with time.
The Fair was opened by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Director of Tech Tour Sven Lingjaerde and CEO of Russian Venture Capital Association (RVCA) Albina Nikkonen.
In Opening Speech, Minnikhanov welcomed all the participants of the Fair, starting with the words of gratitude to all the organizers of the remarkable event: “I want to wish fruitful work to all of us, as far as just the innovations push us forward”, – said the President of the RT.
Albina Nikkonen, from her part, also thanked hospitable Tatarstan which “for the 8th time opens its doors for this discussion ground for participants from different countries of Russia and Europe”. After having noted that Kazan Venture Fair is one of the best venture fairs in Russia, the RVCA CEO said that the ideas and propositions which may be formulated at numerous sections would be put into practice in cooperation in the future. Their essence is the improvement of entrepreneurial activity and elimination of administrative barriers which, currently, still hinder full value development of innovation community and attraction of long-time investments, unfortunately. “Our main goal – is to give a start in live to the class of entrepreneurs in shortest time”, – underlined Nikkonen.
At the Exposition ground, during all the day Judges Team was working which was composed of representatives of Venture Funds, Law and Consulting companies, entrepreneurs and private companies. By the end of the day, winners in 6 nominations were to be chosen by the Team.
The winner of the “The best company of the Fair” nomination was “RRT Ltd” from Saint Petersburg. The company is one of the highest-growth technological start-ups in Russia. In March 2013, RRT Global joined the Top-20 world companies which can have effect on future changes in the energy sphere. At the Fair, the company presented the PRIS technology that allows to substitute standard bulky and unprofitable technologies of gasoline manufacture by highly economical and energy saving solution.
The Gold Diploma of Venture Fair was adjudged to “Marabaka Ltd” company – international media-brand for 7–12 years old children. Developers have created a “Do-it-Yourself” format, which represents a link between entertainment and education. The developers suggest switching children from Internet which is obviously useless for the kids of this age to real creative work by means of the created game application. The same company was awarded, by common consent, the “Best Presentation” nomination.
The Silver Diploma was won by the “NPP Kazan University Vivarium, Ltd” company which suggests the services of bio- and chemical products certification, including to foreign clients.
The Bronze Diploma was awarded to “Interlek, Ltd” company – developer of technology of manufacture of the unique delivery systems of medicines in the human organism on the base of interpolyelectrolyte complexes.
In the “Original Business-Idea” nomination won the “SwapUrban” company, the profile activity of which is servicing the portal that provides a platform for trade in the consumer market sphere.
After plenary session “Formation of the common market of innovations: USA, Europe, Russia. Global trends in venture capital industry”, where a wide range of issues concerning interactions of the three largest territories within a single innovation space was discussed, a number of sections was presented to the participants. The sections afforded to representatives of business- and venture capital communities the opportunities to discuss actual for mutually beneficial collaboration problems.
In particular, RVC organized round table “Innovation triangle: entrepreneur – venture capitalist – big business” at which moderators and participants discussed the strategy of the business structure, private entrepreneurship and investment community representatives networking. Under the iR&Dclub partnership, the colloquium “Corporate funds – is there a future in Russia?” was conducted; the prospects of corporate venture investments were discussed in the context of the colloquium. Really critical agenda, wide representation and authoritative membership of speakers allowed discussing wide range of questions.
In the final part of the Fair, the solemn ceremony of winners awarding took place. In his testimonial speech, Ainur Aideldinov thanked all the participants for their work and expressed special gratitude to Albina Nikkonen for organizational and practical efforts on preparation to the Fair and assistance in its conducting. “We always welcome guests, especially if we work in collaboration”, – said the Director of Investment Venture Fund and invited all the audience to come to the next, 9th, Kazan Venture Fair which is planned to take place on April 25, 2014.