The RVCA's Annual General Meeting, where the Association summed up the key totals of 2012, was held on May 15
On May 15, the regular RVCA Annual General Meeting was held, where representatives of venture funds and management companies, involving the RVCA full and associated members, listened to the Association report on the 2012 performance and discussed the forthcoming 2013 events.
In particular, were summarized the totals of key events of the Association – Russian and regional Venture Fairs which were held in Kazan, Novosibirsk and Irkutsk in 2012, and a number of major international events that were organized and conducted with active RVCA participation: Round Table of UNECE, forum “Global Innovation Partnership” held jointly with RUSNANO, Skolkovo and JSC RVC, and Moscow innovation forum “Open Innovations”. Besides, the audience summed up the past events dated for celebration of the 15th jubilee of RVCA.
Individually was discussed the issue of four companies joining RVCA – Infipro Inc. and LLC “Atom Partners” which applied for full partnership, and LLC “Prekveka” and LLC “Siberian innovative company” which applied for associated partnership. By the totals of General Meeting poll, all the four companies were included in the Association partnership.
One more important question raised at the Meeting applied to introducing amendments in the Law on investment community. The theme that had started to be discussed still at the First Yenisei Venture Fair attracted considerable interest of the venture capital community representatives, as it was spoken about regulative instruments for the investment companies’ and funds’ activities. According to Albina Nikkonen, CEO RVCA, “… the situation has matured to the point when the community itself tries to introduce suggestions which would allow working to Russian venture funds”.
It’s expected that summary amendments will be presented to the attention of the bodies of legislative and executive power in autumn.