In the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a presentation on the issue of alternative investment fund managers was given
In Moscow, March 13, in the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a presentation of the alternative investment fund managers directive (AIFMD) was given. The event was organized by Edmond De Rothschild bank together with Allen & Overy law firm, and RVCA.
Ambassador of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Russia Pierre Ferring and Executive Director of RVCA Albina Nikkonen, as well as more than 70 Russian RE&VC market players, participated in the event.
In the opening address, the Ambassador welcomed all the audience and noted the deep concern of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in attracting Russian investors which raise funds in Europe.
Presentation of the Directives on general regulations regarding the European companies and alternative investment fund managers licensing and supervision was given by the Edmond De Rothschild’s Vice-president and the Allen & Overy law firm’s representatives.
In the final part of the event, Albina Nikkonen on behalf of Russian investment community thanked the speakers for interesting presentation and underlined that the Directives are aimed first at regulating the activity of alternative investment fund managers, since just the managers are responsible for taking key managerial decisions.
She also noted that, for Russia, complying with the Directives will contribute not only to revival of investment activities and perfection of the legislation base aimed at improvement of investment climate, but as well to formation of united alternative investment market, raising level of investor protection, and creation of multilateral and safe supervision and reasonable control system.
On conclusion of the official part, the event participants were invited to taste elite-class vines and cheese produced by the Edmond De Rothschild Company.