The Judges Team of the United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair has completed its work
The Judges Team of the United 14th Russian and 7th Siberian Venture Fair has completed its work. Within two days, the companies of various branches were presenting their business. During the first day, the Judges Team members, including venture capital professionals and innovative business experts, were reviewing the companies and evaluating the most prominent ones.
After meetings with representatives of the companies, disputes and heated arguments in Judges Room, the Team selected the best companies of 53 exhibitors:
- “Promising business” (Gold Diploma) – SibGeoPribor LLC, offering to the oil-extracting and oilfield services enterprises the hardware-software complex for continuous monitoring of the oil and gas wells’ outputs
- “Promising business” (Silver Diploma) – CyberTech LLC with its TRIK project which reveals new opportunities of technical creativity. "The unified TRIK platform" constructed on the TRIK unique controller is functionally surpassing the world analogs in the mass market price segment and will be interesting to professionals in the sphere of personal and service robotics. "Educational TRIK" successfully opposes fascinating training to all-consuming show business.
- “Promising business” (Bronze Diploma) – Unikom Aero LLC, developing integrating software products’ package of IT-infrastructure of the airports and airlines certified according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards. The system allows the airports and airlines in shorter terms and for reasonable prices to get access to the IATA standards, to increase safety level, and to receive a guarantee of maintenance of passenger services in the 24х7х365 format.
- “Promising innovative business of Novosibirsk Oblast” – Vortex Technologies Center LLC which attracts investments for organization of production and bringing to the market of hardware-software complex (HSC) allowing cost-effectively acquiring standardized stem and other especially sensitive cells of human organism in preparative volumes that surpasses the scope of competing solutions in 10 and more times.
It has already become a tradition of Venture Fair to award the “Sympathy of RVCA” nomination to one of the exhibitors, summing up this way the competition of the companies at the Fair. This Diploma has to mark the merits not only of the company which is aimed to realize this project successfully but the prospects of development of the project by itself, too.
This year, the “Sympathy of RVCA” was awarded to representatives of the Research Creative Team of Novosibirsk State Technical University, engaged in development of power effective condenser system of starting internal-combustion engines of shunting locomotives.
Diplomas and memorable prizes were presented to the companies. At the awarding ceremony, the RVCA Executive Director Albina Nikkonen underlined that the win in a nomination “… is a jumping-off place in your way, only a beginning in a long way to higher achievements in the innovative development sphere, which never was easy. The future of your company will depend only of you, your team and solidarity around your idea”.